We are run day-to-day by a Leadership Team and overseen by an elected Board of Directors.

The Board are responsible for directing and supervising the Society’s affairs.  Ensuring that it meets its statutory and regulatory obligations and protecting the interests of our members. It also has a duty to ensure that the Society maintains proper accounting records and effective business control systems.

The Board delegates certain powers and responsibilities to Board sub-committees, chaired by Non-Executive Directors and attended by a blend of Non-Executive Directors, Executives and Leadership Team.

The Board


Nigel Boothroyd

Lesley B -web

Non Executive Director
Lesley Beecher

DG 2

Non Executive Director
David Green

Mark Willis cropped 3

Non Executive Director
Mark Willis

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Non Executive Director
Tina Kokkinos


Finance Director
Mark Williams

TP 4

Chief Executive Officer
Tracie Pearce

Leadership Team

TP 4

Chief Executive Officer
Tracie Pearce


Finance Director
Mark Williams

Gemma flipped

Director of Operations
Gemma Fient

Mike flipped

Commercial Director
Mike Cutler

Ian jones

Chief Risk Officer
Ian Jones

Gary R - IT - web

Director of IT & Transformation
Gary Richardson

gavin flipped

Society Secretary
Gavin Mullen

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