Mutual: Issue 4
Mutual provides you with all things Harpenden Building Society. Giving you an inside look into society news, community work, volunteering, savings and fraud advice and more. Here we bring you our fourth issue of Mutual. We hope you enjoy it!
Some highlights included within this issue are:
- Colleague stories
- Our charitable grants
- Member's story - Stephen Slater
- ISA information
- Colleague spotlight
- QR codes - how to avoid a scam
- Protect yourself from email phishing
- Children's Mental Health Week
We encourage and welcome our members to send us any stories which can be included in future issues. If you would like to send us a story to be included in our next edition, please view below on how to do so.
ISA information 
ISA stands for individual savings account. An ISA allows you to save or invest up to a set amount (your ISA allowance) each tax year without having to pay taxon interest, dividends, or gains. With ISA season fast approaching, here is some helpful advice on ISA’s.
Member Story 
Our members are at the heart of everything we do here at Harpenden Building Society. They are our most important asset which we value above all else. We love getting to know our members more and Stephen is no exception. Take a read of his story about saving...
QR code fraud 
We’re familiar with QR codes now in our
everyday life for products and services. Whilst providing us with a quick and easy way to access information, not all of them are secure. Cyber criminals can use QR codes to steal personal and bank details. Take a read as we explore this type of fraud in more detail.
We want to hear from you! 
We welcome our members to send us any stories to include them in future issues… send our editors any of the below:
- Any fundraising achievements
- Any volunteering or community support you have provided
- Or let us know if there is any specific advice or content you would like us to talk about? Maybe protection online or digital advice…
Send us your content, details and any photos or images…we’d love to hear from you.
Or via post: Editorial team,
Harpenden Building Society,
Mardall House, 9-11 Vaughan Road, Harpenden AL5 4HU
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Your privacy is important to us and we'll ensure that your details are accurate and kept up-to-date. View our Privacy Page.